Advisor Conferences
Get connected with the network and resources that will help you have a strong start to the 2023-24 school year with HOSA!
Health Careers Leadership Conference
WE WOULD LOVE YOUR FEDBACK. Please complete the survey below
Nevada CTSO Fall Leadership Experience
In a world where dynamic leaders are needed, suit up for the challenge of unlocking your true inner Leader! Join student leaders from across the state to learn how to grow 100% healthy as a leader and how to multiply that leadership to reach your ultimate goals and potential.
State Leadership Conference
Join us for Nevada HOSA’s premier event, the State Leadership Conference! This event will bring together 1,000 Future Health Professionals for health-related competitions, networking, general sessions, leadership training, and more!
International Leadership Conference
Each summer Nevada HOSA heads to the HOSA International Leadership Conference! Will you join us?